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«На каком расстоянии кончается человеколюбие?» Толстой и Достоевский в 1877 году: социальная эпистемология романа [«At what distance does love for humanity end?» Tolstoy and Dostoevsky in 1877: The Social Epistemology of the Novel], in: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie 1/2019 (155), S. 42-61.
On Brzozowski’s Presence and Absence in Poland and Beyond, in: Stanisław Brzozowski and the Migration of Ideas: Transnational Perspectives on the Intellectual Field in Twentieth-Century Poland and Beyond, ed. by Jens Herlth & Edward M. Swiderski, Bielefeld: Transcript 2019, S. 5-17.
The Cult of Will and Power: Did Brzozowski Inspire Ukrainian Nationalism?, in: Stanisław Brzozowski and the Migration of Ideas: Transnational Perspectives on the Intellectual Field in Twentieth-Century Poland and Beyond, ed. by Jens Herlth & Edward M. Swiderski, Bielefeld: Transcript 2019, S. 107-131.
Andrej Platonov: Džan, in: Die russische Erzählung, hrsg. v. Bodo Zelinsky, unter Mitarbeit von Dagmar Klingner, Köln – Weimar – Wien: Böhlau, 2018, S. 496-514, 756-759.
Fedor Dostoevskij: Krotkaja – Die Sanfte, in: Džan, in: Die russische Erzählung, hrsg. v. Bodo Zelinsky, unter Mitarbeit von Dagmar Klingner, Köln – Weimar – Wien: Böhlau, 2018, S. 324-340, 715-717.
Między poetyką a polityką: teoria powieści Stanisława Brzozowskiego, in: Colloquia Biblioteki Kultury Polskiej we Włoszech. Polskość w świecie: Stanisław Brzozowski, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW, 2018, S. 43-52.
“These are the mysteries of the barbarians, my dear”: The Concept of Barbarism in Polish Romanticism (Zygmunt Krasiński, Adam Mickiewicz), in: Markus Winkler, in collaboration with Maria Boletsi, Jens Herlth, Christian Moser, Julian Reidy, Melanie Rohner, Barbarian: Explorations of a Western Concept in Theory, Literature, and the Arts. Vol. I: From the Enlightenment to the Turn of the Twentieth Century, Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 2018, S. 198-235.
Tanatopoetyka u Josifa Brodskiego i Zbigniewa Herberta, in: Mojry. Początek-trwanie-koniec, pod redakcją Marii Cieśli-Korytowskiej i Magdaleny Siwiec, Kraków: Avalon, 2018, S. 309-324.
Wer sind Herberts Barbaren?, in: Herr Cogito im Garten. Zbigniew Herbert, hrsg. v. Andreas Lawaty, Piotr Przybyła und Marek Zybura, Osnabrück: Fibre, 2018, S. 135-151.
Of Slaveholders and Renegades: Semantic Uncertainties in Volodymyr Anonovych’s Conversion to Ukrainianness, in: Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa / Nationalities Affairs. New series, 49/2017, pp. 1-12. DOI: 10.11649/sn.1305
Stanisław Brzozowski [2017], in: The Literary Encyclopedia. Volume 1.8.3: Polish Writing and Culture. Vol. editors: Roman Koropeckyj (University of California, Los Angeles), Ewa M. Thompson (Rice University).