Long-term workstations

26 long-term workstations are available on the Slavic Studies library platform, on the 3rd floor of Unitobler. They are primarily assigned to students of Slavic Studies or Eastern European Studies.

If you are interested, contact the library.

Information on use/extension of a workstation

Each reserved workstation is “borrowed” on the user’s library account. The workstation is considered to be like any other medium in the Swissbib Library Catalogue, and generates reminder fees if the reservation is not extended in time.


As with all other borrowed media, the user is responsible for extending their workstation reservation. However, extensions cannot be completed via the Swissbib Catalogue system. As soon as a user receives a reminder that the loan period has expired, they must report to the Slavic Studies Library so that the reservation of the workstation can be extended or “returned”. Otherwise, reminder fees will continue to incur, and will be invoiced accordingly.

Each user is responsible for their borrowed media, including a reserved workstation!