Book recommendation

"Paperno reads all his [Tolstoy’s] writings in relation to the central project of his life: the transformation of his life into a book that would teach others how to live....” 


Irina Paperno u svojoj knjizi "Who, what am I?: Tolstoy struggles to narrate the self" predočava Tolstojeve pokušaje da dokumentira svoju svakodnevnicu i njegovu stalnu “borbu” sa narativom i njegovim izazovima. Ova arhiva Tolstojevog unutrašnjeg svijeta sadrži interpretacije njegovih pokušaja pisanja autobiografije i zapažanja o dnevnicima koje skoro svakodnevno vodi u period od 1847–1858 i 1884–1910. Pisanje dnevnika odražava njegova doživotna nastojanja da pisanjem definira “Who, what am I?"

Dnevnici su u psihologiji, psihoterapiji i psihopatologiji važno sredstvo u borbi protiv depresije i različitih poremećaja anksioznosti. U tome smislu Vas ova knjiga može inspirisati da u ovim izvanrednim vremenima dokumentirate svoju svakodnevnicu i kroz to vršiti samorefleksiju.

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Irina Paperno depicts in her book "Who, what am I? Tolstoy struggles to narrate the self", Tolstoy's attempts to document his everyday life and his constant struggle with narrative and its challenges. This archive of Tolstoy's inner world contains interpretations of his attempt to write an autobiography and Paperno's perceptions of his diaries, which he kept almost daily during the period 1847-1858 and 1884-1910. The writing of the diaries reflects his lifelong attempts to define in writing: "Who, what am I".

Diaries are an important tool in psychology, psychotherapy and psychopathology in the fight against depression and various anxiety disorders. In this sense, this book can inspire you to document your everyday life in these extraordinary times and thereby exercise self-reflection.

You can read the book here.